A Fresh Take on Interactivity in InDesign

Laurie Ruhlin

Bartlett, Illinois


March 16, 2023

3:45-4:00 p.m. Pacific — Networking

4:00-5:45 p.m. Pacific — Presentation

InDesign has a rich toolset for adding a wide variety of interactivity to your documents. But to use these interactive features well, sometimes you need to think a little differently. In this session, we will dig into the "how-to” to produce a series of interactive effects; hyperlinks, pop-ups, rollovers, multi-state objects, slideshows, buttons and more. We’ll also explore the different formats available to export your document out of InDesign, and the pros and cons of each. If you’ve tried InDesign’s interactive features and found them frustrating, or have heard clients ask, “can we make that interactive” but don’t know where to start, join Laurie in this fast-paced session and take a fresh look.

About the Presenter

Laurie Ruhlin

Laurie Ruhlin

Laurie Ruhlin is an Adobe Certified Instructor in both InDesign and Illustrator and a freelance graphic designer, creating brochures, catalogs, menus, logos, infographics and digital documents for a variety of clients. From her diverse graphic design freelance work, Laurie brings a wealth of real-world knowledge into her training. She’s taught InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop at a number of training centers in Chicago for over 20 years, trains and consults for many corporations, SMPS Chicago and has presented at Adobe User Groups around the country. She has been a speaker at CreativePro Week for the past six years.

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