Efficient and Accessible InDesign Practices Most Designers Don’t Use

Colleen Gratzer

Boonsboro, Maryland


July 20, 2023

3:45-4:00 p.m. Pacific — Networking

4:00-5:45 p.m. Pacific — Presentation

Most InDesign users—even designers who've been using it for 20 years—don't use the software to its potential. That means they unknowingly waste a lot of time doing things inefficiently. Understanding the features of InDesign and knowing how to do things properly will not only save you time but actually go a long way toward accessibility.

Find out many efficient and accessible InDesign practices that will save you time and help you make your documents more accessible.

Learn what accessibility means when it comes to documents, why accessibility is important for designers, and how accessibility can actually help you as a designer. In addition, hear common myths and misconceptions related to accessible documents.

About the Presenter

Colleen Gratzer

Colleen Gratzer

Colleen Gratzer is an award-winning designer with more than 26 years of experience in graphic design and web design and development. Since 2016, she has specialized in accessibility. She has provided accessibility training to the U.S. Department of the Interior, at CreativePro events and appeared on many podcasts. Through Creative Boost, she teaches plain-English accessibility to designers and developers and hosts the Design Domination podcast. Through Gratzer Graphics, she provides design and accessibility services. She is a member of the IAAP.

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