How to Do Things in InDesign That You Should Really Do in Photoshop

Khara Plicanic

Lincoln, Nebraska


June 17, 2021

3:45-4:00 p.m. Pacific — Networking

4:00-5:45 p.m. Pacific — Presentation

As the ol’ adage says, “If your only tool is a hammer—everything starts to look like a nail.” But hey—it happens! We fall in love with a favorite tool and we try to make it do everything. Who hasn’t? So what if you like to balance your bank account—using InDesign? It just so happens that InDesign is a pretty amazing tool. In some ways, it’s the Swiss Army Knife of the whole Creative Cloud. And while conventional wisdom (and even objective reality) may tell us that another tool like Photoshop might be better suited to a particular task—who are we to negate the creative self-expression of our inner child? Forget about best practices or straight-up efficiency—we want to do it our way, dang it. With InDesign! Khara Plicanic will show you how.

Next month, in case you remain in the mood to make your dog meow, or your cat bark, Chana Messer will show you Illustrator stuff buried in InDesign.

About the Presenter

Khara Plicanic

Khara Plicanic

A camera-slinging design geek and Photoshop nerd, Khara Plicanic is a natural born teacher who’s been sharing inspiration and know-how with fellow creatives for more than 15 years—delighting learners around the world on platforms including CreativeLive, Adobe Max, and Brit+Co. When she’s not making futile attempts at reclaiming hard drive space or searching the sofa cushions for a runaway Wacom pen, Khara can be found plotting her next craft endeavor, catching up with her favorite late-night hosts, or trying to remember where she left her phone. Find her at or on Instagram at @kplicanic.

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