InDesign Gets Superpowers with a Little Help from Its App Friends

Anne-Marie Concepción

Pleasant Hill, California


September 19, 2024

3:30-4:00 p.m. Pacific — Networking

4:00-5:45 p.m. Pacific — Presentation

This event is sponsored by the Adobe Community Experts Program.

Is InDesign the only program you use? Of course not! Join “Her Geekness” Anne-Marie Concepción as she shares her favorite InDesign techniques and tips, incorporating other apps in surprising and innovative ways. Discover how to use Acrobat, Bridge, Word, Google Docs, and a couple of every InDesigner's favorite add-ons—Illustrator and Photoshop.

In this session, you will learn how to:

  • Create animated GIFs from your InDesign files
  • Import Google Docs into InDesign with formatting intact—even with links
  • Fix Word files before placing them in InDesign
  • Add entire InDesign layouts to CC Libraries
  • Use bulleted lists to session descriptions to enhance your aura of expertise

Bring your questions to this fast-paced session and be prepared to acquire a wealth of new skills!

About the Presenter

Anne-Marie Concepción

Anne-Marie Concepción

Anne-Marie “Her Geekness” Concepción is a digital publishing expert, and has been named a “MAX Master” (top instructor) at Adobe MAX six times. She owns Seneca Design & Training, a cross-media design studio that develops print, PDF, and ebook projects, and a busy trainer and consultant helping clients master remote InDesign-centric publishing workflows that use InCopy, Google Docs, and Word.

Anne-Marie is the author of the popular weekly series on LinkedIn Learning, “InDesign Tips for Design Geeks,” and dozens of other related video courses. She’s the co-founder of the CreativePro Network (with David Blatner) and co-host of their long-running InDesign Secrets podcast.

You can book a free Zoom chat with her for advice on your files and workflows, and contact her by email at Follow Anne-Marie on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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