Muse II: Applying your Print Design Skills to Web and Mobile Content
Scott Carrey
Veterans Memorial Complex
Garden Room
4117 Overland Ave.
Culver City, CA
January 16, 2014
7:00-10:00 p.m.
Event Details
Yes, the event details, but first...
Meeting Topic: Muse II: Applying your Print Design Skills to Web and Mobile Content
On Halloween night Terry White presented “Muse: Creating Websites for Desktop (and Mobile!) Using the InDesign Skills You Already Know.” Now Scott Carrey continues with “Muse II: Applying your Print Design Skills to Web and Mobile Content.” It is a continuation, but also a redux for those who weren’t able to attend Terry’s presentation or who did but need a refresher. Scott will demonstrate how to use Muse as a tool for adapting print knowledge to the web and mobile, but will also cover the broader concepts of multi-device content creation and delivery such as adaptive layouts, aspect ratios, engagement strategies for different types of devices and users, social media content integration and general workflow concepts. He will discuss how print designers can take their existing skills and apply them not only to Muse but across other platforms as well using tools and templates.
Free and Easy Parking
The next meeting will be held at the Culver City Veteran's Memorial Complex which is surrounded by tons of free parking. And that's THE most important thing, right?
7:00 p.m. - Meet and Greet
7:15 p.m. - Presentation and Tour (with mid-presentation break)
9:30 p.m. - Raffles
10:00 p.m. - Goodbyes
Meeting Notes
Scott Carrey brought a unique hybrid of business, technological and creative expertise to January’s meeting of the Los Angeles InDesign User Group. Scott has been involved in entertainment and technology-based organizations for over 20 years and is considered a leading expert in digital workflows. As an independent producer and consultant, he has worked with companies such as Warner Bros., Columbia Pictures, Touchstone, MCA/Universal, Sony Music, Playboy, MTV, Digital Domain, Sprint, IBM, McDonald‘s, and many other film, television, and commercial clients, not only in the U.S., but also in Europe and Asia.
Scott had in mind to blend these various strands together in a presentation that spoke about Muse from a broader conceptual framework of multi-device content creation and delivery such as adaptive layouts, aspect ratios, engagement strategies for different types of devices and users, social media content integration, and general workflow concepts. Many members, it turns out, were more interested in the nuts and bolts of Muse specifically, rather than how any particular Muse creation fits (or doesn’t fit) into an overall strategic plan.
In addition, Internet access was slow and inconsistent that night so Scott didn’t have consistent access to his prepared visual presentation.
But Scott was a trooper. Taking clues from the audience, he modified his remarks on the fly and spent a significant amount of time answering questions from the floor. Although those who wanted a “click on this to do that” presentation from the beginning might not have been fully satisfied, everyone was able to get a peek into the world outside Muse and the workforce within which it must operate in today’s multi-platform, multi-device environment. Scott provided his contact information and graciously offered to spend as much time as necessary one on one with any member who had specific nuts-and-bolts questions.
The raffles brought a number of multiple winners, reflecting probably that those members had bought more than one raffle ticket. It’s a statistical fact that the more tickets you purchase, the more chances you have to win. William Ellis won a subscription to Fotolia stock photos for three months, Chartwell chart-making font from FontFont and Rasterino for Illustrator from Astute Graphics. George and Marney Wilde won TypeDNA, IDML iPad App for iPad from DTP Tools and a ticket to the next LA Web Professionals meeting. Ludlow Brown won Blacklining for InDesign and Font Agent Pro 6 for Mac from Insider Software. Grace Guarte won a subscription to Fotolia stock photos for three months and an LA Web ticket.
But there were a number of single prizes winners as well. Kerry Seal won eDocker Tablet Publisher. William Gunn won FlightCheck 7 for Mac from Markzware. Holly Faulconer won a subscription to Stock Layouts for three months. Drew Larsen won ColliderScribe for Illustrator from Astute Graphics. Consistently-attending member Chris English and Jim Jimenez both won LA Web tickets. In recognition of having travelled the farthest to come to the meeting, Robert Smith won a subscription to InDesign Magazine for a year. Finally, the most excited winner of the night, hands down, was James O’Keefe won a subscription to the Creative Cloud from Adobe for a year.
Farthest Attendee
The person who travels the farthest to attend the meeting will receive a one-year subscription to InDesign Magazine. If everyone is kinda sorta in the area, then this prize will go the person who just had or is about to have a birthday.
Raffle Prizes
SOFTWARE: one eDocker product
Your choice of: eDocker2, eDocker Tablet Publisher
1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: Adobe Creative Cloud
Full access to a CC applications
50 high resolution photos or vector images per month for three months. (two prizes)
Full access to the entire Stock Layout template library for three months.
1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: FlightCheck Version 7 for Mac from Markzware
SOFTWARE: Font Agent Pro 6 for Mac from Insider Software
SOFTWARE: Rasterino for Illustrator CS4 to CC from Astute Graphics
SOFTWARE: iDML iPad App for iPad from DTP Tools
SOFTWARE: ColliderScribe for Illustrator CS4 to CC from Astute Graphics
Thank You to our Sponsors
Astute Graphics
DTP Tools
InDesign Magazine
Mogo Media
O’Reilly Press
Peachpit Press
Stock Layouts
About the Presenter
Scott Carrey
Scott Carrey brings a unique hybrid of business, technological and creative expertise. He has been intensely involved in entertainment and technology-based organizations for over 20 years and is considered a leading expert in digital workflows. As an independent producer and consultant, he has worked with companies such as Warner Bros., Columbia Pictures, Touchstone, MCA/Universal, Sony Music, Playboy, MTV, Digital Domain, Sprint, IBM, McDonald‘s, and many other film, television, and commercial clients, not only in the U.S., but also in Europe and Asia.
His focus these days is in the ever evolving area of convergence and integrated media, where he is continually exploring traditional techniques but implementing and monetizing them in new and unique ways. He currently sits on the steering committee of the Caucus for Producers, Writers and Directors representing the area of new media and digital initiatives. Scott was a member of Mayor Riordan’s Multimedia Roundtable and as a peer group member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. He was an executive board member and marketing director for Digital Bayside during the mid-90s, which brought together leading professionals from the fields of communications, entertainment, interactive and — at that time — the emerging Internet.