Production Efficiency
Jonathan Levit
Los Angeles, California
Santa Monica Library Auditorium
601 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, California 90401
September 16, 2010
Event Details
The speaker for September is Jonathan Levit whose topic will be “Production Efficiency.” He will discuss tips and procedures to make you more efficient in your document production process. Topics include (but are not limited to) proper and advanced usage of Master Pages, Paragraph and Character Style implementation, Nested Styles, Object Styles, Table of Contents, and Libraries, He will also discuss Find and Replace (for cleaning text). Bring your questions. Open discussion and questions are encouraged.
Jonathan Levit has been working in the desktop publishing for 23 years. After working for Quark, Inc in tech support, he went on to their training team and eventually helped build their evangelism team as the product expert for QuarkImmedia. After leaving Quark, he continued as a QuarkXPress trainer and consultant. Eventually, Jonathan personally migrated completely to InDesign and hasn't looked back. He continues to train users in InDesign as well as privately consulting for clients as a trainer and has been instrumental in improving production workflows and efficiencies for many major corporate clients, advertising agencies and media companies.
Adobe MAX
In addition to Jonathan’s presentation, look for a short advance look at Adobe MAX which will take place October 23–27 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
We want to think Melissa Rhodes and Photolibrary ( who will be providing snacks, a gift raffle and details on their discount for IDUG members. Melissa will lead off our meeting with a brief overview of her company’s services and how they plan to serve us in the future. The Photolibrary Group represents the world’s leading stock brands and the finest photographers from around the world, bringing memorable content to the creative communities in Europe, America, Asia, and the Pacific. They provide customers with access to over 7 million images and hundreds of hours of footage and full composition music.
Meeting Notes
The Los Angeles InDesign User group held its second meeting after a two-year hiatus at the Martin Luther King Auditorium of the Santa Monica Library in Santa Monica, California. Some 40 people listened to Jonathan Levit discuss "production efficiencies," the tricks and techniques that allow one to create InDesign documents quickly.
User Group memeber Michael Newlon exhibited blow-ups of book covers he created using InDesign.
Thanks to Adobe and Photolibrary for providing the items to make the meeting a success — to Adobe for the evening's major prize, and to Melissa Rhodes and Photolibrary for the sandwiches, cheese plates, cookies and drinks (wow!) plus a gift raffle. Is Melissa awesome or what? Geoff Chin won a copy of InDesign CS5 and Stephanie Sidney won a $25 gift certificate to Mittel's Art Center in Santa Monica. See the “Member Benefits” page for a Photolibrary discount for all User Group members.
And, by the way, congratulations to Jeffrey Schimsky who won a copy of InDesign CS5 at the July meeting in Culver City (but was not acknowledged in our July online meeting summary).
Upcoming Industry Events
David Blatner’s InDesignSecrets Seminar comes to Los Angeles October 18–19. Day 1 is “InDesignSecrets: Tips and Techniques for Every InDesign User.” Day 2 is “Beyond Print: EPUB and Interactive Documents.” Along with the training participants get over $400 dollars worth of extras. See more details about it on the “Member Benefits" page, or go to Get 10% off the registration price by using the discount code IDUG.
There’s still time to register for Adobe MAX, which will take place October 23–27 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. User Group members get a $400 discount off the regular full conference pass price of $1,495. The discount is applicable to this conference pass only and cannot be combined with other offers. See the “Member Benefits” page for the coupon code and where to register.
Next Meeting
Meetings are held bimonthly on the third Thursday at various locations in the greater Los Angeles area. The next REGULAR meeting will be held November 18, 2010 in the Pasadena area.
However, as a result of many Adobe celebrities being in town on the occasion of Adobe MAX (October 23–27, 2010), we were able to snag the renowned Chris Converse for an EXTRA MEETING of the Los Angeles InDesign User Group on October 28, 2010. This extra meeting will be held overlooking the ocean at the Marina del Rey Library, 4533 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292.
About the Presenter

Jonathan Levit
With over 25 years of experience in the graphics, print and digital publishing world, and as an Adobe Certified Instructor and Expert in InDesign Jonathan Levit provides template development and creation, training, and consulting services. Integrating real world experience, he has improved the workflow, production, and creative departments for a variety of clients including the top magazines, advertising agencies, newspapers, and in-house creative and marketing departments in the world. Some of Jonathan’s clients include Warner Brothers, Ogilvy & Mather, Boeing, Time Warner, Los Angeles Times, Disney and UCLA. Learn more about Jonathan at Levity Training.