Using InDesign Scripts to Get Creative

Dave Clayton

Swindon, Wiltshire


May 20, 2021

3:45-4:00 p.m. Pacific — Networking

4:00-5:45 p.m. Pacific — Presentation

For most of us, InDesign is our go-to app for creativity. It’s such a powerhouse of design and yet we are all guilty of sometimes spending too much time on some tasks when a simple script would help us. In this session, graphic designer and author of How Do I Do That In InDesign, Dave Clayton, will walk through some of his favorite scripts that, when used together, help you become more creative in your work. Together we’ll look at where to find cool scripts, simple installation and application.

This is a session suitable for beginners and intermediate users, if you’ve never used scripts before, then this is a great introduction for you, if you have, then you may learn some new ones. Dave recently taught a short session on scripts for Adobe Max 2020 and in this session we’ll expand on that with some new, creative scripts.

A PDF of the above info will be made available for all attendees.

About the Presenter

Dave Clayton

Dave Clayton

Dave Clayton is a UK-based graphic designer with over 25 years of experience in design and marketing. Dave specializes in InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop and has either taught or spoken at events such as Adobe Max, CreativePro Week, Photoshop World, Creative South, Print Design Summit, Photoshop Virtual Summit, Lightbox Expo, Illustrator Summit, and the UK Photography Show.

He is also an authorized instructor of Astute Graphics plugins. He has been a full-time contributor to Photoshop User magazine for the past five years and has ten classes on Dave is the author of How Do I Do That in InDesign published by Rocky Nook and co-host of the popular design and photography podcast He Shoots, He Draws.

Dave also has an extensive collection of over 500 design books which can be found on Instagram at @claytondesignlibrary. Elsewhere Dave can be found on all social platforms at @itsdaveclayton and at

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