InDesign Goes to Prison
PDF Blow-Out and Ad Agency Tour
Books, Magazines, Android and iPad
The Art of Org Charts
InDesign In Fashion
From Paste-Up to InDesign
Interactive PDF Forms and UX Design With InDesign
Ad Agency Workflow, plus InDesign CS5.5
Typography, OpenType and InDesign
So You Think You Know How to Set Type
InDesign and Image Masking
Cage Match: InDesign vs. FrameMaker
Preparing PDF Files for Printing and Field Trip to International Printing Museum
Book Design Part 1: Style Automation in Print Books
Book Design Part 2: Creating an eBook from a Print File
Muse: Embarking Upon a Codeless Web for Print Designers
Creating Accessible PDF Files from InDesign for People with Disabilities
Fonts: Goodbye Type 1, Hello Variable, Hello Color
What’s New in InDesign CC and Aquafadas Digital Publishing System
InDesign, Illustrator, Lightroom and Photoshop: Tips, Tricks and Techniques
An Introduction to Affinity Publisher
What’s New in InDesign 2023 (And Illustrator and Photoshop)
The Process of Writing Books Directly in InDesign
InDesign CS3 Tips and Tricks
Muse: Creating Websites for Desktop (and Mobile!) Using the InDesign Skills You Already Know
Can Science Inform Graphic Design?
Design Lessons from Things We Do Over and Over (10 Years of L.A. Times Oscars Coverage)
Pricing Graphic Design
Designing for Large Format
InDesign Tips, Tricks and Secrets
How a Type Designer Uses InDesign
Back in Business, Back to the Future
Jump into Adobe DPS Interactivity to Create an App
Using InDesign and Illustrator to Create Movie Props
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